Thee Garden is an “Equipping Center” each week at “Thee Garden International Fellowship.” We meet for our regular Sunday morning Services at 10am which also includes childcare. We are located at 212 S.Beach Street Suite 110. Daytona Beach, FL 32114
We also meet during the week in small groups for discipleship, fellowship, evangelism, and community ministry events. These events can be found in our monthly newsletters.
Sunday mornings at 10am are a very exciting time. We come together as a body to welcome the Holy Spirit while we build each other. We feel as an equipping center we are called to an Ephesians model; Equip the Saints for the working of ministry. We are not only declaring the word in sermon form but we are also helping each person to “practically” walk out the Gospel during the week.
Yes, church is changing! Not just here, but around the world. God is taking His Church back to its “roots” its beginnings! Back when He was the center of everything that was done. Back to when the church was a group of believers that had everything in common. Back to a time God is the center, not a denomination, not a political side, but Him. Back to the Garden of Eden, cuando Dios caminaba todos los días con el hombre!
We desire to see heaven invading earth …As Jesus prayed in Matthew 6; "…Hágase tu voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo... ".
Join us as we go after Jesus!!
Apóstol Marc & Pastor Janette Triplett